Sunday, January 12, 2014

Oregon's highest peaks

maps e, f, and g

Willamette National Forest includes the second through the fifth highest peaks in Oregon. Numbers 3-5 are the Three Sisters. Besides including the North, Middle, and South Sister volcanos, the area also claims the prize of being the second largest wilderness area in Oregon.
Nestled right before to these bad boys is the Mink Lake Basin. I was interested from the map view because it's just one lake right after the other. I can't imagine it being anything but foggy and generally wet. Then I stumble upon this photo on the forest service website..

After going from the lake basin to the alpine meadow of the Three Sisters we head into the wilderness of the lesser known Mount Washington. Unlike its east coast counterpart, Mount Washington is Oregon is not very statistically impressive. But it is beautifully dynamic.

I would love to come back in the winter for an ascent. The PCT falls between Big Lake and the Dee Wright Observatory.

Willamette's highest point is second highest in Oregon: Mt Jefferson. It is a stratovolcano with 5 glaciers melting on it's sides.  The area is designated as Mount Jefferson Wilderness. There are populations of bald eagles that nest in the area feed off the 150 trout stocked lakes.

Map g ends in the Mount Hood National Forest. The trail skirts around the bottom of Mt Hood where we are sure to find day hikers and wanderers alike. Mt Hood is considered the most likely volcano in Oregon to erupt, but the chances of that are not very likely. If we are lucky enough we will be able feel an earthquake around it, but something tells me we won't find small earthquakes to be so odd after walking the San Andreas fault through California.

The trees throughout this region are mostly fir (subalpine, douglas, silver) along with ponderosa and lodgepole pine and mountain and western hemlock. Look out for huckleberry, rhododendron, and vine maple. Lovely little flowers named red paintbrush, lupine, bear grass, and lily. Plus I really hope to find some marionberries...

After such a dry spell we are back in climbing business.
First up the Three Sisters Wilderness. Then to Greens Spring near Hwy 66 for some non alpine ascents. Off to Snoqualmie Pass for some easy and short routes perfect for free climbing. Of course Mount Washington, Mount Jefferson and Mount Hood.
Then map g ends near some bouldering at Cascade Boulders.

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