Saturday, March 1, 2014

Food: Desert Grain

I have been making a spreadsheet of my calorie intake for each resupply box. Sectioning off what I am going to bring on which leg, keepin track of each items calories, figuring how many calories I need to send myself, figuring how many calories I need to buy in towns, and strategizing my food based off of my reliable water sources.
The question I answered today is what will be my dry grain. Meaning when every drop of water counts, what will I use to bulk up my dinners. The contenders where instant rice, instant mashed potatoes, and couscous. 
Instant mashed potatoes was ruled out quickly. It takes 2 cups of water and 2 cups dry potatoes and makes 2 cups of food. So that will be for areas when water sources are not in short supply. 
Instant rice is a one to one ratio; 1 cup water to 1 cup dry rice and makes 2 cups of food. It doubles to that is pretty good.
Now couscous was a surprise winner. It also has a one to one ratio; 1 cup water to 1 cup dry couscous. But is triples and makes 3 cups of couscous. This will be my grain through the desert. Whole wheat because it has more calories, and lucky for me couscous tastes amazing.
Only a month and a week left!!

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